
As you cycle through the sunny streets, enjoying the fresh air and scenery around you, you unwittingly reap the many health benefits this simple activity has to offer. Cycling is not just a means of transport, but also a source of physical well-being, mental rest and numerous other benefits that benefit you both physically and mentally.

1. Cycling can be done close to home

Perhaps the main reason to jump on your bike right away, you don’t have to go far at all. Besides, it’s nice to be able to get another “breath of fresh air” outside. This will also immediately prevent vitamin D deficiency.

2. Bicycling increases your fat burning as well as making you lose weight

Perhaps the main reason to jump on your bike right away. It is one of the few sports you can still play today. Besides, it’s nice to be able to get another “breath of fresh air” outside. This will also immediately prevent vitamin D deficiency. Do follow the guidelines and take a bike ride in your local area.

3. Cycling improves muscle building

Your body builds important muscle when cycling, and more muscle means more fat burning, even after the workout. When cycling, you exercise your leg muscles as well as your arm muscles, chest muscles, shoulder muscles, back muscles and glutes. An advantage of cycling is also that the risk of injury is much lower. You put less strain on your muscles and joints than with walking, for example.

4. Cycling reduces stress and the risk of depression

Cycling and exercise in general is good for your mental health. It reduces stress and allows you to “clear your head. When we cycle, more serotonin and dopamine are also produced in our brains. They also produce more endorphins and cannabinoids (yes – those are substances found in marijuana). All these substances make us happier. Furthermore, our bodies can better regulate hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline when we have cycled, making us less tense.

5. Cycling improves your resistance and can prevent many diseases

Cycling has a positive impact on your immune system. If you cycle an hour (half an hour) a day 5 or more days a week, your body becomes stronger and better able to ward off viruses and flu! Indeed, several studies show that people who bike to work every day are much less likely to be sick. The reason is that when you move often, your blood can flow better through your body. Thus, all kinds of waste products are better drained from your body.

6. Cycling makes you sleep better

In general, exercise makes you sleep better and deeper. The same, of course, applies to bicycles. In fact, exercising in daylight causes your body to develop a better biorhythm. Thus, when it gets dark, you will tire more quickly and fall asleep.

7. Cycling is good for your brain

Scientists found that people scored higher on memory and organization tests after 30 minutes of cycling compared to non-cyclists. How is that possible? When we cycle, more blood flows to our brains, providing them with more oxygen and nutrients and therefore better functioning. Bicycling, in particular, can also be of great interest to the elderly. In fact, it can counteract the deterioration of the brain due to age. In short: Cycling is the ideal brain training!

In short, cycling is more than just a means of transportation. It is a key to a healthier lifestyle, both physically and mentally. So hop on your bike, enjoy the benefits and discover the world around you! 🚴‍♂️💨