kantoorhond voordelen

Volgens onderzoek is het positief voor je kantoorhond om de hele dag door mensen omringd te zijn. Bovendien zou een kantoorhond helpen tegen stress en het geluksgevoel van werknemers verhogen. Dat hebben wij in levende lijve mogen ondervinden met onze gloednieuwe office dog, Luna.

Since the end of August, Cyclis has had a new colleague, relaxation manager Luna. Our puppy is a Hungarian Vizsla and also the latest newcomer to Cyclis, but she is almost impossible to live without in the office.

In the United States, the office dog has been a phenomenon for some time. At companies like Google and Amazon, employees take their dogs to their workplaces.

Luna not only makes us smile and feel good, but her presence in the office has a definite impact on employee productivity. In fact, Luna encourages us to get off our chairs every once in a while and take our minds off things by throwing a ball at her or hugging her. These short breaks have been proven to have a positive impact on employees by allowing them to kick back with new and positive energy afterward.

The atmosphere in the workplace increased and stress levels decreased. The main reason Joep takes his dog to work is because he sees how happy Luna makes us and vice versa. A dog in the workplace also makes for more and better social interaction. Every visitor is introduced to our dog, which immediately breaks the ice.

Luna also makes sure we all move around a little more. Thus, in the afternoon, some colleagues go for a short walk with our lively puppy. The fresh air does both us and our office dog tremendous good.

At any rate, we couldn’t live without our office dog. Our advice: take your dog to work, please!