calorieën verbranden op de elektrische fiets

Would you like to know how many calories you burn while cycling? We looked it up for you and summarised it in this blog.

Cycling is a great way to burn calories, whether it's a ride to work or a recreational trip of dozens of kilometres. But what factors are important here? And does what I eat play a role?

Weight and speed

You can see below how many calories a person consumes approximately at different speeds. The more you weigh, the more calories you will burn while cycling.

But what exactly about food? As an example, let’s take a candy bar. 1 snicker equals about 250 kcal. If you cycle at a good pace, as a person weighing 60 kg, you will need to cycle for just under an hour. That’s already quite an effort you have to make to burn a small candy.

Instead of a candy bar as a snack, opt for healthy varieties such as vegetables or fruit. That way you get enough vitamins without adding a whole bunch of calories that you have to burn afterwards.

Electric bicycle

Doubts often arise whether you burn as many calories on an electric bike as on a regular bike. Yes, you burn calories when you ride an e-bike. But the calorie count is slightly lower than that of a regular bicycle.

Now if you weigh 60 kg and you cycle 15 km/h you will burn about 246 kcal on a regular bike. On an electric bike, that’s about 210 kcal.

That’s a small difference, but it doesn’t mean that bicycling with electric assistance is any less healthy than riding a normal bicycle. Because the electric assistance requires you to exert less effort, you tend to use it more often and thus cover greater distances. And the bicycle is still a healthier and more sustainable choice than the car.

So you don’t have to worry. When you ride a bike, be it an e-bike or a regular bike, you burn calories. The only thing that makes a difference is exactly how much effort you put in. So don’t forget to swap the car for the bike several times a week. And finally, trade in the unhealthy candy bars for a healthy snack.